塗料の温め方 How to warm paint
When temperature lowers, I think that it is temperature management of the paint to be the most important in the painting
For oneself using various paint properly, I warm only the quantity to paint with right before I paint as there is not the storage of thermal insulation that all paint is put in.
I want to introduce this year as I found a very good thing
足湯です。(笑) It is a footbath. (laugh)

水温を約40℃に保ってくれるので超便利です。As he/she keeps water temperature about 40 degrees Celsius, it is super convenient.
When there is little quantity of the paint and is unstable, masking tape is fine if I control it.

This is because it wants to warm the container of 5 liters why so big size is necessary.

これが5リットルの容器をいれた写真です。It is the photograph which this put a container of 5 liters in
It is … in having had a hard time very much so far when rubberdip or SPPF want to warm a large quantity of paint at a time
Various kinds are in the footbath, and it has an unnecessary function including the sole massage, and there are many things that a bottom is not flat.
As a lot of flat aspects can buy the model of the lower link in 5,000 yen or less, it is recommended.