車の塗装 スプレー編5 mist control Car painting Spray technique5
今回は、自分が軸とする Oneself assumes it an axis this time
ドットコントロール Dot control
プレッシャーコントロール Pressure control
ウェットコントロール Wet control
ミストコントロール Mist control
の中の ミストコントロール について書きます
I write it about mist control of the inside of this
ミストコントロール mist control
I do the mist control where you miss the mist which bounced when I painted with a squirt gun
Generally, the mist which bounced as the squirt gun poses for a car perpendicularly is scattered to by half from side to side
However, I can change the destination of the scattering mist by holding a squirt gun diagonally
Furthermore, I can shorten cancer distance as the pressure to paint by holding a squirt gun diagonally lowers
I can limit mist scattering so as to bring inclining it close if I tip a squirt gun if I bring cancer distance close
When I want to shade it off in a small range, how to paint to set up the squirt gun diagonally is effective
